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Home » Niko’s Kantina Ride: Team meeting

Niko’s Kantina Ride: Team meeting

    We get to the mountain camp and meet William and Jean, the other two members of our wolf pack.

    We reluctantly leave Grants pass in the afternoon. Say goodbye to everyone and keep on riding. It starts raining again, so we pull over in Cave junction, where we’ve been told they make the best beef jerky in the World. Burger time again, and lots of other meat stuff.

    More riding, more rain and we are in California. The temperature change is impressive, a day ago we were freezing, and now it’s perfect for riding even in rain!

    The plan was to camp in Jedediah Smith (I probably spelled that wrong) campground in the Redwoods. But we got there soaking wet and realized that the camp is almost full and they charge 35$ per tent plus the bikes! Even in dry weather I think I’d skip that. And it was worth going all the way to crescent city. It was pretty dark already, foggy but not much rain. Riding past these giant trees, with their trunks disappearing into the darkness. Surreal and magnificent, 10/10 would do it again.

    Crescent city was our last stop before we meet the guys. William and Jean are living a bit further out in the mountains, where as usual there is no phone service, so we had to wait till he comes down to be able to get the message that we’re here. Another lovely motel and drying our stuff was the goal for the night.

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